PwC’s Flying Start Degree Programmes Event - Monday 8th November
Please see below for a message from PWC:
Are you undecided on whether to choose going to university or opting for an apprenticeship? Well we might just have the perfect opportunity for you. With PwC’s Flying Start degree programmes you won’t have to decide between one or the other as you’ll get the best of both worlds.
You’ll get to work with world-class clients and be part of their highly skilled teams, as well as being able to still enjoy that university lifestyle experience. You’ll gain a degree, and hopefully impress them enough to secure a graduate job after you graduate.
On Monday 8th November we’ll be hosting an evening event with PwC specifically for the Northern Ireland / Ireland regions from 5:00pm - 6:00pm. They'll be taking us through all of their different Flying Start degree apprenticeship programmes in Accounting, Technology and Business Management.
Some Facts about PwC:
With offices in 155 countries and more than 284,000 people, PwC are among the leading professional services networks in the world. In FY20, PwC firms provided services to 84% of the Global Fortune 500 companies and more than 100,000 entrepreneurial and private businesses. 63,053 people joined PwC firms around the world in FY20. For the year ending 30 June 2020, PwC’s gross revenues were US$43 billion.
The online event is open to 4th Year / TY Year, Y12 / 5th Year, Y13 / 6th Year, Y14 (NI only) & university students.
If you'd like to sign up to the event click on the link below. Registration Link: