TY 1 Film production: Relax
TY 2 Film production: Wake
TY 3 Film production: Anonymous
A selection of recordings from the Music Performance module with Justin O Donnell:
TY 3 Film production- Murderer Among Us
TY 2 Film production-Run
TY 1 Film production-Taken

Religion: Learning a new skill to knit Blankets of Hope for Cork Cancer Care Centre
Geography Module: Geographical Investigation on our local Cloghnashee River
Home Economics Module: Food Production Development Competition winners
GAA: TYs representing their school on the pitch

Religion: Social Justice Action Projects - John from SVP speaking to our students

Enterprise Elective: Budget 2022 Analysis
Stage Performance Elective: Debating national and global topics
Experiential learning in Biology
Maths Week: Playing ‘algebraic snakes and ladders'
Money Matters Elective: Zoom call with Rob Heffernan and CV & interview preparations
Team Building Fun: Bowling

CCN TY 2020/2021: A Year in Review
CCN TY Podcast
Student of the Year Award: Josh Hanover & Spirit of TY Awards: Orla Meehan, Sarah Hegarty and Áine Hanafin.
West Cork Secret: The final trip for the TY class of 2020/2021
End of Year Celebrations: TY Colour Run
TY3 Film Albatross
TY3 Film Production
TY Enterprise Certificates and Awards
Angus Irish Beef Competition
Young Social Innovators and Politics and Society classes
TY 2 Drama and Film - Pushers
TY2 Film Production
TY1 Drama and Film - Exodus
TY1 Film Production
Podcasting Recording Session in Republic of Work
TY Walk and Ice Cream Van
Geography Field Investigation
First Aid Course
TY Hoodies 2020/2021
Transition Year Agriculture Elective (Click to see more of the slideshow)
The Great Pink Event - Carraig goes Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness (Click to see more of the slideshow)

Transition Year Young Social Innovators (Click to see more of the slideshow)

TY 3 Team Building Day September 2020 - Ballyhass Lakes Adventure Centre (Click to see more of the slideshow)

TY 2 Special Effects Workshop September 2020 (Click to see more of the slideshow)

TY 1 Special Effects Workshop September 2020 (Click to see more of the slideshow)

TY 2 Team Building Day September 2020 - Ballyhass Lakes Adventure Centre (Click to see more of the slideshow)

TY3 Special Effects Workshop September 2020 (Click to see more of the slideshow)

TY 1 Team Building Day 2020 - Ballyhass Lakes Adventure Centre (Click to see more of the slideshow)