3rd years visit Mitchelstown cave
3rd years had a very informative trip to Mithcelstown cave. They examined the underground karst landscape & examined how it was formed by carbonation.
JC Geography revision book
Congratulations to Mr Barry on the publication of his Junior Cycle Geography revision book. It can be purchased here.
CSO Zoom call
TY students had a Zoom call with a guest speaker from the CSO. Deirdre Lynch spoke to students about the recent census results & Ireland’s increasing population.
Edible plate tectonics
TYs revised plate tectonics using jam & biscuits. They designed each type of plate boundary in a fun & creative way.
5th year fieldwork
5th year Geography students recently completed their coastal Geographical Investigation in Garretstown. This is worth 20% of their Leaving Cert grade.
Digital mapping
TYs used Scoilnet Maps to explore the Geography of their local area recently.
TY river field study
TY Geography students completed their fieldwork at the local river in Carrignavar recently.
Earth Day 2020
During the Covid-19 Lockdown, our students were very creative in designing posters to mark Earth Day 2020.
“Earth Day is a worldwide celebrated day that is focused on promoting clean living and a healthy, sustainable habitat for people and wildlife alike. Celebrating Earth Day serves as a conscious reminder of how fragile our planet is and how important it is to protect it”, Clara Kobernick, 5th year.
“I feel Earth Day is an important day to think about the environment, as it’s just one day of the year, where we can all stop & think about our role. We all have a small part to play, no matter how small that part is, if we all do it together can we achieve something great”, Emily Twomey, 1st year.
“Celebrating Earth Day serves as a conscious reminder of how fragile our planet is & how important it is to protect it”, Rhiannon Quirke, 2nd year.
Success for our Geography Quiz teams
Every year our students compete in the annual Cork Geography Teachers Association inter-schools quiz. In 2019, both of our teams were successful and were placed at an impressive 2nd & 3rd place in Cork.
Geographical Investigation
“I felt that going to Cuskinny Bay was very beneficial as we could observe what we had learned in class which made it easier to understand coastal processes”, Conor O’ Sullivan, currently studying Accounting in UCC.
The Geographical Investigation provides the opportunity for students to apply the appropriate geographical skills that are central to all areas of their learning in Geography.
5th year Geography
Students examining coastal deposition as part of their Geographical Investigation.
Local fieldwork in the village
“We found that there was a wide range of land uses such as educational and religious in the village. Our findings helped us to grasp the concept that we were investigating by completing a fieldwork report and exam questions in school” Sarah Ahern, 3rd year student.
TY Geography
TY students examining urban land use & traffic patterns as part of their fieldwork on Blarney Street, Cork City. “The land use & traffic patterns survey gave us a greater insight into the patterns effecting urban Geography in our locality”, James McGrath, past pupil.
TYs visit to UCC’s Geography Department
TY Geography students paid a visit to the Geography department in UCC to explore the subject opportunities at third level.
Geography award 2019
Winner of the award in 2019 was James McGrath who is currently studying Geography and Irish in UCC.
Geography award 2018
Deserving winners of the ‘Martin McEvoy Geography Award’ were Katie Fitzpatrick, currently studying Pharmacy in UCC and Myra O’ Sullivan, currently studying Dentistry in UCC.
CSO Guest speaker
5th year students had a talk from the CSO about their work, the census and how it links to Geography.
TY Geography Fair
TYs researched and designed models of various geographical features. These were displayed in the school hall for first year students to visit. “I learned about how tectonics plate move in the earths crust. Talking and making a model with a group helped me understand it better”, Patrick Ryan, TY student.
TY Fieldwork in Killarney
TY Geography students visited Killarney National Park to examine fluvial processes as part of their fieldwork. “The fieldwork in Killarney was fun but also helped us learn a lot about rivers & the processes of erosion, transportation & deposition”, Kelly Leahy, TY student.